Topic 1 - Git

Chapter Learning Objectives Lab Description
Chapter 1: Introduction to Version Control - Define version control
- Understand the basics of version control systems
- Explore the benefits of using version control
- Introduction to common version control tools
Chapter 2: Git Fundamentals - Explain the structure of repositories
- Discuss the role of the staging area and commit history
- Cover key Git commands and their uses
Chapter 3: Git Intermediate Concepts - Define and utilize branching and merging strategies
- Understand different types of merges
- Discuss the importance of pull requests and rebasing
Lab: Version Control & Branching
- Clone a repository
- Create and switch branches
- Understand basic Git commands like git add, git commit, git push
- Make and commit changes to a repository
Chapter 4: Git Best Practices - Establish effective documentation habits
- Discuss the importance of READMEs and wikis
- Explore best practices for inline code commenting